Minister Bruton makes another announcement about Baptism Barrier

Many Catholic schools look like they will be unable to prioritise enrollments for Catholic children if Richard Bruton’s plans go ahead. According to the Irish Independent today, the so-called ‘baptism barrier’ “allows Church-run schools to give priority admission to pupils baptised in their faith – for which they have legal protection under the Equal Status […]
39% of Irish 16 to 29 year olds have no religion

The Irish Times published an article with the headline “Young Irish people among the most religious in Europe” where it went on to say that young Irish people have the 4th highest attendance at church services. However, the significance of the percentage of young people identifying as having no belief at 39% seemed to be […]
Principal hid his beliefs

‘For the first time in nearly forty years I could openly admit that I didn’t believe in God’, reads the headline of an article in the Retired principal, Peter Gunning felt he had to hide his beliefs from his school community. Read the full article by the clicking on the link below. What would […]
Views of principals

What do school leaders think about the role of religion in primary schools? In 2008, the IPPN did a study with its members. There was a good sample size of about 25% of principals that responded. The full press release can be read here but the key findings were as follows: 76% say that preparation […]